Earth Music, St George’s, Bristol

Many more amazing concerts, talks and screenings this week at Earth Music Festival, St George’s Bristol, a festival of music inspired by the natural world. Many bird-related events including a performance of Messiaen’s Catalogue of Birds for solo piano performed by Peter Hill, who’s recording of this work was made under Messiaen’s supervision. This concert […]

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Twitchr walk at dawn…

Well – a few of us decided to get up super early and go back to Ham Wall for 6am Sunday morning… and we were hugely rewarded by the awesome sight of 600 000 Starlings getting up and leaving their roost… We joined up with Tony again, who was brilliant at identifying species by their […]

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Weekend Twitchr walk

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Twitchr walk on Saturday – it was a wonderful and enjoyable experience – and the starlings certainly did not disappoint! It was a beautiful day, and  fantastic to have Tony Whitehead with us who gave us plenty of interesting facts not only about the starlings, but many […]

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Starling Walk Meeting Point

If you are coming along to the Starling walk tomorrow – here are the details… The starlings are currently roosting at RSPB site Ham Wall. Here are the details of how to get there… (it is about a 1 hour drive from Bristol) Firstly – I need to fill you in on a few practical details… It […]

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